Caiman Facts

♠ Posted by monyreachraksmey in at 2:53 AM
Caiman Facts

The caiman is a large aquatic reptile found in the swamps and tropical rivers that cover Central and South America. Although the caimans have much narrower bodies, they are most closely related to alligators and crocodiles. Caimans are found in a variety of habitats throughout Central and South America from marshes and swamps to mangrove rivers and lakes. As with other reptiles, caimans have scaly skin and live a fairly nocturnal existence. Caimans range in size from the dwarf caiman which measures just over a meter in length, to the black caiman which can to grow to be nearly 5 meters long. The black caiman is the largest caiman species in the world and is found in the slow-moving rivers and lakes that surround the Amazon basin. There are six different species of caiman found throughout the watery, jungle habitats of Central and Southern America. The average length for most of the other caiman species if about 2.5 meters long. The caiman is a carnivorous predators and, like the alligator and the crocodile, the caiman has a diet that consists of a great deal of fish. The caiman also hunts insects, birds and small mammals and reptiles. Due to the large size and ferocious nature of the caiman, it has few natural predators within its environment. Humans are the main predators of the caiman as they have been hunted for their meat and skin. Jaguars are the only other predator of the caiman. Female caimans build a large nest in which to lay their eggs, which can be more than 1.5 meters wide. Female caimans lay between 10 and 50 eggs which hatch within about 6 weeks. Once they have hatched, the mother caiman takes her young to a shallow pool of water where they can learn how to hunt and swim.
Emperor Tamarin 

The Emperor tamarin is a small species of monkey found in the forests of South America. The Emperor tamarin was named because of it's elegant white moustache, which is thought to resemble that of German emperor Wilhelm II. There are two subspecies of Emperor tamarin found in the south west Amazon Basin. The bearded emperor tamarin inhabits the rainforests throughout Brazil and Peru, and the black-chinned emperor tamarin that actually has no beard and is distributed throughout the rainforests of Brazil, Peru, and Bolivia. The Emperor tamarin is grey in colour, with black hands and feet and a brown tail. The distinctive and extremely impressive bearded of the Emperor tamarin monkey is white in colour. The Emperor tamarin is a diurnal primate which means that the Emperor tamarin is most active during the day and rests in the safety of the tree tops during the night. Emperor tamarins are very sociable animals and inhabit their territory with their rest of the Emperor tamarin troop which generally have between 2 and 8 members. Emperor tamarin troops are led by the eldest female and have predominantly male members. The Emperor tamarin is an omnivorous animal meaning that the Emperor tamarin hunts both plants and other animals in order to survive. Fruits, insects and green plants make up the majority of the Emperor tamarin's diet along with small rodents and reptiles, eggs and tree sap. Due to the relatively small size of the Emperor tamarin, it has a number of predators within it's natural environment. Wild cats, dogs, snakes and birds of prey are primary predators of the Emperor tamarin, along with humans who are destroying their natural habitat. The Emperor tamarin usually breeds between the months of April and July, when the female Emperor tamarin will give birth to twins (or a single infant) after a four to five month gestation period. The male Emperor tamarins carry and groom infants more than the females do, but females clean the infant more than the males do. Older siblings are also known to contribute to infant care, although infants prefer to be carried by their parents than by their siblings. Infant Emperor tamarins become mobile at 2 to 5 weeks, and begin eating solid food at 4 to 7 weeks. They are independent at 10 to 18 weeks and are fully weaned at 15 to 25 weeks. Sexual maturity is attained at about 2 years of age. Today, although not considered to be a species that is in imminent danger from extinction, the Emperor tamarin population numbers are rapidly declining due to deforestation causing habitat loss in their natural environment.


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